2010年8月20日 星期五

立禮 at home

Just to show the table layout at home.

立禮 practice

搭乘捷運轉203公車, 到文物管時已近十時.
早晨學習風爐 +葉蓋(はぶた) つかった洗茶巾のてまえ。
下午, 練習立禮, 為了10月份週年紀念會而努力。

2010年8月7日 星期六

Record of my excursions

During the period of the Hokaido trip of Tommy and Amy, I accompanied my granddaughter/grandson to their art school.
While they were playing with their art projects, I went to near by Cafe Bastille for a cup of beer. I ordered also a dish of 辣雞翅 , with Tabasco sauce. The cafe is kind of cozy and quiet then.
Other photos shown were taken at their football lesson at Da-An park.

和菓子--by air

Tommy 和 Amy 從北海道回來,帶回來一盒和菓子.
