2008年10月29日 星期三


Miho San 邀我去幫忙水屋工作.

見到好久沒碰面的 Huei Zen 同學. 紅傘下的插花是她 arrange 的.

收拾完水屋, Peggy 教我喝釜中的剩餘溫開水, 滋味真的很好. (或該說是,沒有滋味的滋味)

回家的路上,Hue Zen show了ㄧ些相機裡她家的蒜香花盛開的照片. 燦然.

Last minute: 環河北路直走市民大道. 4:58 P.M.

2008年10月18日 星期六


今天我擔任水屋助理工作. 因人手很多,我在招呼我的來賓後便先離開了.
晚上整理了所拍的資料, po 上 youtube:http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=o6RxcYbD6ug

2008年10月17日 星期五


一整天, 上午搬道具,練習風爐. 下午, 盆手前. 忘了很多.

2008年10月9日 星期四

Point of views

When I show the new cha-wans to Shiao-Mei and ask her to guess what would be the price of these cha-wans?

"250 NTD each. " she replied.

"Why is there so many small pin holes on this bowl? Is it ok to make tea? "

Suddenly I realize there will be many different kind of point of views on art work.

2008年10月3日 星期五


Here is how I distribute the 4 tickets of the October 18th "Cha-kai" that I brought :

2 tickets for Mr./Ms. Kuo wu Hsiung, my very good old friends.
2 tickets for Mr./Ms. Yu, very nice and respectful neighbors at Hsin-Tien. They are always willing to give a hand.

I hope they would enjoy the Ma-cha tea party.


I mailed 4500 NTD to the lady who sold 4 cha-wan 1 cha-sen and one cha-shoku to me today.